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From Expertise to Influence

Personal Branding Designed for Sales Success.


What We Do

At NearPoint Strategies, we integrate the innovative 'Nearbound' concept with our unique NEAR framework—Network, Engage, Accelerate, Relate—to revolutionize business growth. We focus on crafting powerful personal brands that showcase your expertise, making you an invaluable asset within your professional ecosystem.


This approach empowers you to leverage your network and strategic partnerships effectively, influencing every stage of the revenue funnel from lead acquisition to customer retention. By networking with key partners, engaging meaningfully, accelerating your brand's influence, and building lasting relationships, we ensure your personal brand is not just seen, but sought after in the modern business landscape.

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How referable are YOU?

Discover the power of personal branding in making you the expert everyone wants to refer.

​At NearPoint Strategies, we view your personal Net Promoter Score℠ (pNPS) as a reflection of your individual impact and referability in the business world. By enriching your personal brand, we strive to make you, as a professional and leader, someone whose expertise and authenticity naturally inspire others to become vocal advocates in today's network-driven marketplace.

Network. We guide you in cultivating a professional network that is both expansive and meaningful, connecting you with the right individuals to amplify your brand and influence.

Engage. Engagement goes beyond mere interactions. We focus on developing deep, empathetic connections with your audience, ensuring that every interaction is impactful and resonates with your personal brand.

Accelerate. Our strategic approach is designed to accelerate your business and personal branding goals. By aligning your brand strategy with your sales objectives, we help propel your professional growth to new heights.

Relate. At the core of our philosophy is the ability to relate authentically with others. We empower you to build genuine, lasting relationships that translate into professional success and fulfillment.

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Our Services

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NEAR LinkedIn
Strategy Power Hour

Transform your LinkedIn presence in just one hour. Discover the secrets to optimizing your profile and strategizing your LinkedIn activities for maximum impact.


Personal Branding & Sales Mastery Program

Embark on a comprehensive journey to master personal branding and sales leveraging LinkedIn. Weekly huddles, personalized training, and strategic thought partnership await to elevate your professional influence.


Corporate Branding & Sales Workshop

Enhance your team's expertise with our on-site branding and sales workshop. Tailored to your corporate needs, our interactive sessions deliver practical skills for immediate impact in personal branding and sales strategies

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Chris Headshot

We are very fortunate to be working with Natasha as our leader and coach to help us leverage and share our thought leadership within the LinkedIn community. As the CEO of a Marketing Operations Consulting and Managed Services provider I can say that she has exceeded our expectations in helping us take the first step (which is the hardest) and to keep moving forward on our journey to increase our leadership visibility. Natasha has been key to helping us align our needs with our podcasting, branding and content service offerings.

Chris Kahler Sr.
CEO, EMMsphere

Andrea Headshot

Natasha embodies exactly what is needed to be successful in business. She is full of really great tips and strategies. She is humble in her delivery. I suppose what makes Natasha so authentic is that she has an amazing ability to listen and hear what you're saying. If you're looking to grow your business and become highly visible in your marketing efforts then don't think twice, get in touch with this lady right now.

Andrea Ryan
Managing Director,
Andrea Ryan Coaching

Dave Headshot

I spent time leading social for a Fortune 500, before that, I built a decent audience for my own business, so going into a LinkedIn training with Natasha, I kinda sorta thought I knew it all.

What started off as a training, quickly turned into a therapy session about getting out of my own way, about not caring so much about what people think, about my unique voice and expertise and how the world needs more of it.

She went on to teach me a different way of thinking about how I tell the story of my career history…a way that truly embraced the unique nature of my specific journey. Something I had started to second guess, but leaving the call, I felt fired up and proud of.

Natasha is awesome. She’s a great cheerleader and while her LinkedIn training is valuable, I’d push to have her in your corner in ANY capacity.

Dave Huffman
CMO, Ancestral Supplements

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